What is the Grad Party?
Each year, Sunset High School senior parents plan and host a graduation party where seniors can celebrate their high school graduation in a drug-free and alcohol-free environment. Our goal is to host an event that allows as many students as possible to have a great time with their classmates and be safe on a very momentous evening.
The Beaverton School District does not sponsor or endorse any activities related to the Senior Grad Party. All fundraising & event planning is done by the Grad Party committee.
Where can I buy a ticket and when is the deadline to buy one?
Tickets to the Grad Party are available online at www.sunsetpto.com/grad-party-store
Please purchase tickets and complete the registration form before May 25th, 2025 as this allows for an accurate headcount for the venue, transportation, and food vendors.
How much are tickets?
Early bird ticket prices are $95 until September 30th. Prices will increase to $115 as of October 1, 2024.
What if a family is not able to afford the cost?
At Sunset High School, we believe that every senior should have the opportunity to attend the Graduation Party, regardless of their ability to pay. If you are facing financial constraints, please do not hesitate to reach out to your counselor, as we have arrangements to accommodate all eligible students.
Besides buying a ticket, what else needs to be done?
Please be sure to fill out the registration form completely during the checkout process. This is very important as you will not be allowed on the bus if you have not completed the form, even if you have paid.
Where is the party going to be and how long is it?
The party venue is a secret every year. Seniors will find out the location on the night of graduation.
Students need to be at SHS in the normal school bus loading area on the night of graduation to load onto buses, which will transport them to the venue. Students are not allowed to leave the party.
How do students sign up for a bus to the party?
Sign-up for buses will be available during the Senior Breakfast, Wednesday, June 4, 2025, on the last day of school.
Can students leave the party early?
Everyone rides to and from the party on the bus together for their own safety and liability reasons.
How do students inform the Grad Party Committee of allergy, dietary restrictions or special needs?
Include this information on your registration form and feel free to email it separately to the committee as well at gradparty@sunsetpto.com.
If a student can’t attend after registering, can they receive a refund?
Families may be eligible for refunds if the Grad Party committee is notified by March 31, 2025. No refunds will be given after that date.
If a student just doesn’t show up the night of the party for any reason other than a legitimate emergency, there are no refunds.
How can parents sign up to volunteer at the party?
Parent volunteer sign-ups for the night of will be limited. There will be many volunteer opportunities for the various fundraising events and we welcome everyone's help in making the event a success. Please read all senior communication to not miss the Grad Party volunteer signup opportunities.
How can families help support the Grad Party?
Participate in our many fundraising events, donate the price of a ticket for a scholarship student, donate directly and ask your network of friends if they would like to be a business sponsor.
Have more questions?
Email gradparty@sunsetpto.com.